Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Let's Turn The Pages!

10th Edition

Dear friends,

Hi, friends, I miss you so.
I've finished my certified tests during these days. Perhaps I can get the best result.
Now I have many times to do my job.
Wah, Hitachi has the newest technology again. You can control your television without remote, even without move your hand and fingar.
Just keep the news about it.
And we wait the next revolusion of technology from Hitachi.
For you who always do sport please read the advice from the expert.
So, don't miss each piece of this blog
and.....don't forget to smile today.........


Hi, aq kangeeen.....
Aq baru saja menyelesaikan ujian sertifikasi beberapa hari ini. Moga2 dapat hasil terbaik.
Sekarang ada banyak waktu untuk bekerja.
Wah, sekarang Hitachi punya revolusi teknolgi baru nih.
Anda bisa mengontrol TV tanpa remote bahkan tanpa menggerakkan tangan dan jari.
Canggih banget, kita tunggu deh revolusi selanjutnya.
Untuk Anda yang hobby sport simak nasihat dari sang ahli tenatng apa yang harus Anda lakukan setealh berolahraga.
So, jangan pernah lewatkan tiap sisi blog ini.
n...jangan lupa tersenyum hari ini...........